Two Year Anniversary.

10472825_10101319960690297_2614153603999943808_o-1Today is our second anniversary. So much has changed in our life together over the past two years, through a roller coaster of events, but what stays constant is our love. And that’s all that matters. We have plans to stay in tonight (since JR works late some nights) and we’ll celebrate with a special date night this weekend.

Happy Anniversary, babe. I love you more with everyday. 

x, Wife10482019_10101319960750177_6118845521281438076_o

Loving Lately: TV Shows


I happen to really love television, but can’t bring myself to pay the incredulous hundred bucks for cable every month. Like most people, I’ve turned to Netflix, Hulu and a few other options to satisfy my need to be entertained. It’s a win win; we save some money and have the luxury to binge watch when we want.  Here’s what I’ve been binging on and  loving lately.

The Walking Dead // I started the series, a few years ago and couldn’t seem to get into it.  I’m also a scaredy-cat and tend to stray from anything that seems the slightest bit spooky. But I’ve been dipping my toe into more thrilling shows and movies lately with  zombies. Enter Rick and his crew. It’s a great story that’s action packed and has just enough scare factor to keep me hiding under a blanket to cover eyes at times,  but not enough to induce nightmares. We aren’t completely caught up to the end of Season 6 yet, so no spoilers please. 

The Good Wife //  I can’t! This show has me all sorts of giddy, mainly because Alicia Florrick (played my Juliana Margulies) is just a freaking badass. She’s the perfect example of women having it all.   It’s a smart show that I feel also makes me smarter and inspires me to get what I want in life. I love a good story about women who kick ass, and The Good Wife definitely takes the cake. I’m currently watching the shows final season. Two words: Jason! Crouse! (played by  Jeffery Dean Morgan, who also coincidently has a role in The Walking Dead)

Scandal // The title says it all. It’s pure juicy goodness. I can’t get enough of the love triangle between Olivia, Jake and Fitz. Also, Olivia is another badass woman who does badass things and says badass things like “Don’t Be a BitchBaby!”  (So good, right?) It’s May, so we just watched the current season finale. Suffice it to say, I’m anxious to see what comes next!

Grey’s Anatomy // An oldie, but a goodie. I started watching the show on Netflix a few years back and since have followed it religiously every week through Hulu. I don’t mind waiting an extra day to watch the current episode because the show always delivers. After 12 seasons, I’m completely invested in the characters: laughing with them, crying with them and dance partying with them too! PS. Jeffery Dean Morgan also played a role here too! Can you sense a pattern, here?

I’d love to know what shows you’ve been loving lately! Any recommendations? 

One Piece Wonder.

Here’s the thing–I’ve always had trouble with the idea of a bikini. Even at my body’s best, I didn’t like the feeling of being so exposed in public. I have a few bikinis that I like to wear, but I tend to feel more confident in a one piece.  While my choice in swimwear might sound more modest than most, I’ve come across some super sexy swimsuits that I can totally get on board with.

I honestly can’t decide which one I love most.

What about you–are you a bikini or a one piece kinda girl? 

x, Carina


From  ASOS  |  Kore Swim |  Victoria Secret  |  Victoria Secret

1piece2           From  F E L L A | Blue Life | Vince Camuto | River Island


Image via

The Broad.


My bestie, Joanne, was in town last week on a quick trip from the SF bay area. We spent the day in La La LAnd  at The Broad and marveled at every exhibit. We spent several hours there–more time than we both anticipated. But it was such a great experience, definitely worth the hour and a half wait in the standby line.

I live on the outskirts of LA, so it’s been a while since I’ve braved the traffic into the city. It was refreshing to spend the day with Joanne load up on ice cream and pizza, and experience great art (Jeff Koons and Andy Warhol were my faves).

The timing of her visit could not have come at a better time; things in my life haven’t been ideal and spending quality time with her really lifted my spirits. Joanne, I love you!

x, Carina




On Changing Her Name.


I’m a traditional girl, so when JR and I got engaged, we didn’t really have to discuss changing my name. I was engaged to marry the love of my life and I was happy to take his last name.

Almost two years into our marriage and I’ve only recently changed my name. Like…really recent…like 2 weeks ago. Procrastinating played a big part in the delay because I hate dealing with paperwork (there are so many steps to take just to change your name), but so did the fear of change. I struggled with the idea of losing my identity. I was an Alvarez for 29 years, and now I’m just not?  But after pondering this idea for far too long, I came to the conclusion that taking my husband’s last name isn’t losing my identity, it’s a symbol of unity and love. I will always be an Alvarez, that will never change, but becoming a Silverman has been the sweetest time in my life and I’m happy to celebrate that by sharing JR’s last name.

I asked some of my closest girlfriends to share their thoughts and experiences (ugh, the paperwork!) on changing their last name.

What are your thoughts on the subject? Let me know in the comments! 

x, Carina


MARISSA on keeping her name // When we first got married, the game plan was to change my last name and keep my maiden name as my middle name. We’ve been happily married for almost four years now and I have still not changed my name. We recently purchased a car and checked off the married box on the loan application. But since we had different last names, he had to ask to confirm. It’s 2016, we should focus on more important questions like “why isn’t teleporting real yet?”

There is no one reason why I am not changing my name. Not changing my last name just feels right like being married to Ryan has always felt right. Today, we are choosing to leave my birth name as is and we are both happy with this decision.

JOANNE on the ideals //  For me, my name is my identity, and I’ve had it for nearly three decades. It’s attached to my career, and with my achievements and my failures. That being said, I am not completely attached to keeping it when I do get married. My last name does not sound particularly great and it’s my dad’s name, who I don’t have a relationship with. At the end of the day, everyone has their own personal reasons to change their name or not. I simply don’t think women should ever be automatically expected to change their names.

KARA  on the process // I was ecstatic at the thought of changing my name through HitchSwitch. But as the obsessive that I am, I read the reviews and saw similar takes from new brides saying it wasn’t really worth it. So I decided to just start the process myself.

I first proceeded to change my driver’s license, then submitted an application to Social Security for a name change. I had to wait a few weeks to get my new card in the mail- as this was also the only major requirement for my job. They had to have a copy of my updated SS card to change my information in their system (and in my paycheck). From there, I filled out an application for a new passport and had to  pay a $110 for a new one. They would only waive the fee if your most recent passport was issued less than a year prior to a name change request. They are also the only establishment that required the original marriage certificate. All documents were returned.

CINDY on hyphenating // My dad passed 10 years ago and missing him during my wedding made carrying on my last name even more important. I have two older brothers who, at the time,weren’t in serious relationships. Thinking they would have children to carry on our name was not something I thought would happen. So, when I got married, I decided to hyphenate my last name. Three days later, my brother tells me his girlfriend is pregnant with a boy! I guess I didn’t have to hyphenate after all.

If I could take it back, I would, along with the 3 Oreos I had for lunch today. It’s terrible for people like me, who depend on MS Outlook at work–No One Can Find You! I don’t care to change it now, but I could, I’d definitely take the 3 Oreo do over.

JULIANA on meeting in the middle //  If you want to change your last name because you’re proud to have your husband’s last name and it’s meaningful to you, then girl, you go for it! But if you have your own reasons for not changing your last name, maybe you like your maiden name, maybe your family name is something you want to carry on because there are no boys in the family,  whatever the reason may be, don’t change your name, and be proud of that! Be proud that you can keep your own last name but still be an amazing wife while doing it.

At the end of the day, it’s your name and your choice. Do what feels right for you even if that means something in the middle! I’ve kept my maiden name in the U.S. where I grew up and lived the first 25 years of my life, and I’ve taken my married name in Canada, where I am happy to now call home. And I have to say, I’m pretty darn proud of both of my names. Whatever your choice, make the decision that best suits you!

Shoulder Statement


I cannot get enough of the off shoulder trend. It’s sexy and carefree without showing too much skin. I’ve been shopping around for a piece to add to my own wardrobe. After a few weeks of searching, I’ve pinpointed my favorite, but here are few others that were definitely in the running.

Which one is your fave? 

x, Carina


  1. the sweetest denim top I’ve seen
  2. floral and feminine
  3. an elevated basic top for spring
  4. crocheted, classic and under $10!

bold shoulder dresses final

  1. casual and cute for Sunday brunch
  2. perfect for work or play
  3. a sexy little number for date night
  4. worthy of a weekend in Palm Springs


Image via

Sometimes, Blow Jobs Are Necessary.

Before // After

I had to, I couldn’t help it!  

Dirty jokes aside, check out my naturally wild hair. I do have carefree days, where I chose to let my Amazonion princess hair do it’s thing, but most days I want to tame the beast.  I use a flat iron because my hair is just so damn huge, that it’s nice to wear it bone straight and feel like a normal haired girl. It’s also a great time saver. But when I have the time, and the look I’m going for requires volume, I give myself a blow job out!

For a successful blow out that provides voluminous shiny hair, I love using this Fromme brush. The copper barrel absorbs heat really well and heats hair quickly, so I’m not damaging my hair too much by keeping it under the blow dryer for too long. The combination of the copper brush and this heat protect spray  really goes a long way in helping me achieve the best blow out.

Though it is more time consuming and I haven’t completely mastered my arm and hand coordination yet, what I love about this method is that it looks more natural because of the volume and it lasts substantially longer than using a flat iron.

See, sometimes, blow jobs are necessary!

x, Carina


Splurge or Save: Rainbow Block Sandals

splurge or save1

Manolo Blahnik //  Dune London

Last week, after setting my eyes on these babies, I could not stop thinking about them. I literally have had daydreams about prancing around in them this summer. Other than my wedding shoes, I’ve never spent more than $200 on pair of shoes and I don’t ever intend to (the Manolo Blahnik version retails for $745). So, when I came across these Dune London sandals for $69 I had to share them with you. They have a remarkably uncanny similarity, not just in color, but the silhouette is almost identical. I’m so in love.

Add to cart, checkout…done! Come to mama! 

xo, Carina



I’m at the point in my life when I seem to be surrounded by a growing number of mothers each year–that is, more of my friends and relatives are having children. It’s such a joy to witness these women grow into their new roles as mothers.  Suffice it to say, I’m taking mental notes until I have a child of my own.

In the past, while putting together my Mothers’ Day gift ideas, I did so mostly with just my mom in mind. This year, I made especially sure to think of my girlfriends and cousins too!

x, Carina

  1. rose petal topped petite fours from Valerie’s in LA
  2. for those days when only ice cream can get her through the day
  3. gorgeous hydrangeas to spruce up her office
  4. the prettiest pale pink  leather tote
  5. this sweet hand woven bag that’s perfect for the beach
  6. a curated collection of family photos in a beautiful album
  7. a monthly subscription for all things beauty (my mom is subscribed and loves it!)
  8. i mean….
  9. a little luxury for the lips
  10. this statement piece for a gift with purpose